Visit the Spielwelt German Parents Association for more great children’s programs in German in Canberra
What to bring and rules for camping
Hallo liebe Pfadfinder,
Pfadfinder 8 years and up should be encouraged to do all their own packing (especially if we are sleeping overnight at our hall) as this is a great learning opportunity!
You can download the Pfadfinder printable packing list for your child to use, to tick off items as they pack. Alternatively, here is the list, below.
- Hut und Sonnenkreme
- Pfadfinderdecke (wer hat)
- Kissen
- Schlafsack
- Luftmatratze/camping mat (unless we are sleeping at our hall, in which case, you could borrow one of our small blue mattresses)
- Kuscheltiere (wer moechte)
- Medikamente
- Wasserflasche
- Pfadfinderuniform (wear this on the first day when you come)
- Kleidungswechsel
- Extra jumper
- Jacke (it can get cold at night) and/or Regenmantel
- Pyjama
- Small day-pack to carry your water bottle, hat and jacket on our walks
- Zahnburste, Zahnpasta, Kam
- Taschenlampe
- Towel (for longer camps at a campsite with showers)
- Badehose and towel (if swimming or canoeing)
- Fahrrad und Helm (if biking)
Nicht mitbringen:
- Messer
- Feuerzeug
- Elektronische Geraete (ausser Venturers & Rovers)
- Geld (unless you have been asked to bring it for badges or park entry, for example)
- Suessigkeiten
Normaleweise, Spielwelt stellt:
- All meals and snacks (including vegetarian options, and organic where possible)
- Besteck
- Teller
- Toepfe
- Getraenke (Wasser, Saft)
- Spielmaterialen
- Zelt (for family camps, families bring their own tents – if you need to borrow a tent, let us know)
- Cooking equipment
Unsere normalen Pfadfinderregeln gelten, sowie unsere Ausflugsregeln:
Pfadfinder bleiben zusammen, dass heisst, ohne Erwachsenen trennt man sich nicht von der Gruppe.
Unter folgenden Umstanden geht es fuer die betreffende Person vorzeitig zurueck nach Hause:
- Ein Pfadfinder verletzt absichtlich jemand anderen.
- Ein Pfadfinder trennt sich ohne Erwachsenen von der Gruppe.
- Ein Pfadfinder hat Heimweh.
Adult help requested:
The leaders would love to be supported in the following areas (especially if you will be leaving your child with us for the weekend, without you being there):
- equipment loading (Friday) / stowing (Sunday night) at the hall
- supplying a casserole or potato salad (say), or even a cake for our afternoon tea (with extra-large slices for leaders!!)
- if the camp is nearby, why not volunteer to come out and help in the camp kitchen for one of the meals
- all help and support is greatly appreciated. Our leaders are all volunteers.