
Most Pfadfinder Scouts pay their fees annually, and some elect to pay by the term.  There are 4 terms each year.

Annual fees are due on joining, or term fees are due in the last week of the previous term.

The fees for 2024 are:

$355 for the year, if you pay all at once at the beginning of Term 1, for Terms 1 to 4. 

It is $105 per term, if you pay by the term.

$307 for Terms 2, 3 and 4, if you join part way through the year and pay it all at once at the beginning of Term 2.

Your prompt payment is greatly appreciated, as it means less hassling you and less time for overworked volunteers chasing up overdue payments.

We’re going to miss some sessions.  Can we pay less?

See the Spielwelt Partial Payment policy to find out.  Talk to us first to let us know, and clear it with us.

Fees are payable to:

Account Name:  German Australian Pfadfinder Scout Group
BSB: 633000
Account: 190674119
Bendigo Bank

Reference: *PFADx xchild’s surname*   Where x is the number of the year or term.  For example Ref: “PFAD2023 Dodt” would be a payment for Leonie Dodt for that whole year.  *PFAD3 Michl* would be a payment for Term 3 for Felix Michl.    “PFAD234 Schmidt” would be a payment for Elise Schmidt for Terms 2, 3, and 4.

If you have not paid your fees, you won’t be able to leave your child at the Scouts without a parent/guardian.
